To start with a quick review of what we’re ultimately building here: the goal of this project was essentially to build two tools: A web tool that we could feed a poem, and have it analyze its rhyming and meter features, and, more importantly, A web tool that lets users start writing a poem, line […]
Category: Article
Automating Poetry – Part 2
So the first step gave us everything we needed in terms of our dictionary database, word searching, and phonetics. That’s the better part of the foundation laid, but those by themselves are not quite all we need. The next task is to start figuring out what exactly “rhyming” means. Disclaimer: For whatever stubborn reason, I […]
Automating Poetry
So apparently I really like working on lexical and phonetic analysis. By the time I was fully into the swing of things, it felt like a puzzle. And, since this was about words in the English language, it should theoretically be a puzzle whose pieces I already knew. So, the background: This was developed in […]